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Main » 2012 » January » 14 » Conservative Values Lost to a Higher Republican Order
1:59 PM
Conservative Values Lost to a Higher Republican Order
Picture Political writing for a living is an unusual form of work.  One thing is for sure, you learn more about American political culture than you want to.  Over time, you find yourself struggling to maintain a balance between your own political alliances and what is right from a more objective perspective.  Your awareness of America’s plight under current political influences forces you to accept a reality the average American voter is free to deny the existence of.  All of a sudden, you’re alone in your understanding of a two party political machine hell bent on the destruction of America’s intent.

Over time, I have grown weary of the lies perpetrated by both the Right and Left as they seek to advance their collective agendas against the people. Lies both voters of the Right and Left accept as reality. Having grown up Liberal and now freely embracing Conservatism to actually vote with my personal values, all of this has brought me to my current place in time.  The time has come to stop allowing Republicans from so easily destroying Conservative interests.

"More or less, Conservatism, mothered by the Republican Party and Fathered by the Democrat Party, currently suffers an Oedipus complex in that Conservatives wish to destroy Democrats while they harbor a perverse attraction to the Republican political elite." - Paul Johnson

Proof and reason

Have you ever stopped to take a look at the Left versus Right and realized the arguments only exist because the Constitution has become an afterthought that is only used when a given side finds it convenient?  If we place the Constitution first, we would not have the volatile political atmosphere of today.  To me, this means BOTH Republicans and Democrats have duped the American voter into debating the semantics of an argument in order to force their prying eyes away from the only Document that has the power to FORCE government back into its LIMITED role over the people.  The Democrat versus Republican perspective actually LIMITS the perspectives of debate.  Us against them is what the voter thinks, but the American voter lacks the awareness to see the Democrat and Republican political elite are now essentially one in the same. Proof positive lies here.

It is here that I feel myself losing my grip on Conservatism as a political affiliation.  First of all, in more places than not, in order to vote "Conservative,” you must register Republican to do so – even though there are ever increasing disparities between the two.  My thinking at this point in time is that Conservatives are selling out their own personal and voting values to play second fiddle to a failing and highly distorted sense of Republicanism that rules the Right today.

Here’s how they do it

Rush Limbaugh was probably worse about it in 2010 than was anyone else.  If the Tea Party votes for such and such, he would rant, we will split the vote and the Democrats will win.  (And they will in turn advance the very same agenda against the people the Republicans sought to).  This has evolved into a new Republican mantra; "You have to look at the bigger picture.” the newly recruited, newly brain washed, once Conservative, newly pseudo-Republican schlepps now say.  They are saying; put your Conservative values aside so Mitt can slay Barak in the name of the honorable Republican Party!  And, in droves they are doing just that – placing their voting values aside so a Republican with NO CONSERVATIVE VALUES OR INTERESTS can AGAIN hold the Office of the President of the United States.

A proposal of lunacy 

It would be bad if Obama were reelected, we all know that.  But what we don’t know is what it will take for Americans to understand the need of more Conservatives influences in America.  Perhaps eight years of assaults on the Constitution by this man will be enough to make Americans appreciate the Constitution and its intent to LIMIT GOVERNMENT.  Perhaps it will take even more threats against personal freedom for the people to call upon the Constitutional Articles and a certain Declaration to return America to the people she ascribed a responsibility of protection.  Perhaps what the American voter needs is a true wake-up call to understand the threat their growing government actually represents to them.  Obama may well be the man to bring it to them given enough time.

From Conservative to Mindless Minion

It is tiresome watching once Conservative voters falling in line like mindless minions (#mindlessminions) to a higher Republican order touting the likes of a presidential candidate that is a direct expression of their very protests against the Republican Party.  And to think they have the nerve say, "You have to look at the bigger picture.”  A bigger picture of no Obama and no Conservative values, but all they will admit to is the former, their conscious’ refuse to allow them to address the latter.  Sell outs have a hard time acknowledging certain things you know; no matter how obvious they are.

But I digress.  The fact of the matter is that many Conservatives lack to courage to truly be Conservative.  First they flocked to Herman Cain who demonstrated more Republican values than he had interests in individual freedom.  Now they pull the Romney line so the Republicans can defeat Obama with a man who will be as much like Obama as Obama has been like Bush.  Just like Obama allowed Bush’s final budget to wreak havoc for four years, Romney will bury the fight against Obamacare.  He is after all, the practiced architect and prototype developer of Obamacare – the program the Right spent millions trying to stop.  More hypocritical than ironic when you stop and look at the history of the Republican fight FOR health insurance mandates.  He will, in the name of Republicans, continue to recklessly spend and Blame Obama for not passing a single budget since Bush.  Foolishly, Conservatives are yet again supporting the bane of their existence the likes of both the Republican Party and Romney as their selection for Free World Leader.

These so-called Conservatives say they like Romney’s business acumen.  I do too, but what does that have to do with being President?  Better yet, what will that matter when Americans lack the personal freedom to fully enjoy a better economy WHICH CANNOT BE DELIVERED TO THE PEOPLE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT in the first place?

But hey, I don’t "see the bigger picture.”

With the loss of the Conservative voice influencing American politics, Republicanism is allowed to freely expand government without the resistance of Conservatives whom have vested against their own values because they have been fooled into supporting the Republican norm over their own values EVERY ELECTION CYCLE.  When will Conservatives stop playing second fiddle to the lesser Republican?  When will Conservatives have the courage to stand up for their own values and have the faith in the values that guide their everyday lives and vote accordingly? 

While it is absurd to actually wish another four years of Obama on Americans to awaken them from their own world of lies, denial and apathy; the only element that can stop America’s downward spiral are the Conservative influences being currently being brain washed by the Right into supporting the least Conservative candidate in the field; next to Obama that is. 

Why is it that so few see this for what it is?

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @PJ43033, add me on my personal Facebook , or like my Facebook Fan Page.
Views: 850 | Added by: PJ | Tags: Republican, Liberal, Conservatism, Voting values, Domcrat, Republicanism, Liberalism | Rating: 0.0/0

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    Many still seem to believe America’s best days are ahead of her while they support their traditional political views enabled by same system of American political dysfunction that has led to America’s current decline.  In short, without a major shift in the American voting paradigm, any hopes of a better American future are but a pipe dream facilitated by the insanity of wishing things to improve while making no adjustments to actually effort a more promising American outcome.
    Views: 1162 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-03-09 | Comments (4)

    It is not that supporters are unaware of Santorum’s or other candidate’s fiscal histories; it is that so many are actually indifferent to fiscal history while staking claim to the call for a fiscally responsible president.  So do we really give a crap about fiscal prudence or not?  Are we serious when we state we want a Congress that will not infringe upon the Constitution they have sworn to protect?  When it comes to practicing what we preach on the Right, the honest truth is; we fail miserably.
    Views: 1130 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-03-01 | Comments (0)

    As of late, the Right insists on challenging the norm of America’s political elite.  While this is admirable, the two party system of "us against them” serves to only limit the spectrum of debate perspectives of a given topic; Critical Perspectives was developed to draw attention to shortcomings in the often limited and often Republican controlled perspectives of the Conservative Right.
    Views: 825 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-02-09 | Comments (0)

    Fewer than half of Americans pay taxes, forcing more than half to now pay taxes while disposing of the income tax return economically imperials more than 50% of a nation which has a suffering economy; 70% of which is driven by consumer spending.  Maybe it’s just me, but I see this as unwise.
    Views: 915 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-02-06 | Comments (0)

    PictureThe illusion in the Black community is power lies in the guise of victimization while Whites lie powerless under the illusion of redemption.  The illusion removed reveals the Black is powerless in that Whites have no redemption.  To break ranks with the role of the Black victim is to dissent for the Black community itself; a measure and expression of individuality the Black community meets with very overt animus aggression.  To not envision one’s self as victim is to resist the political influences of the Democrat Party.  This resistance is a demonstration of self-reliance; a forbidden Democrat attribute for Blacks to espouse. 
    Views: 909 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-31 | Comments (1)

    ThePicture problem lies in the symbolic interactionism of the liberal subculture that has lost the ability to "self script” outside of the conditions set by the dominate liberal whole.  This inability to script different perceptions of self develops into the loss of self-identity outside the confines set by the higher liberal social order.  This is exactly why, as atrocious a President Obama is; he will always have these unconditional supporters whom lack a sense of  self that is beyond that of which Obama as prescribed to them.  One lower level political figure in Atlanta stated, "Obama knows what’s best.”  Such a statement epitomizes the loss of self and the failure in the ability to identify self  individuality in the lower liberal subculture.  If the dominate liberal whole makes a claim, the subculture will in turn unconditionally submit to it.  Envision if you will, an abused other whom seeks to rationalize their abuse in terms of their own inadequacies.  Hence is the new liberal subculture.  The inept view of self has allowed its exploitation to a social order that is granted the perception of power for being more competent and more responsible than that of the individual self.  
    Views: 4925 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-30 | Comments (100)

    Picture"More or less, Conservatism, mothered by the Republican Party and Fathered by the Democrat Party, currently suffers an Oedipus complex in that Conservatives wish to destroy Democrats while they harbor a perverse attraction to the Republican political elite."
    Views: 849 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-13 | Comments (0)

    PictureHere is a way of looking at one aspect, perhaps the largest aspect, of the Obama Administration.  If your household is consumed by debt, you do not seek to correct the problem by assuming even more debt.  Yet, America is being told things are getting better in areas where it is completely impossible for them to improve given the Obama Administration’s refusal to assume a role of fiscal responsibility that would be of benefit to the people.  
    Views: 1157 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-02 | Comments (0)

    Have Picturethings really gotten that bad?  Is the Republican interpretation of Americanism so distorted, the American people are more willing to surrender the U.S. Constitution to the Obama regime?   Is the lesser evil of submitting to full government control really a more promising voter prospect than allowing the Republican political elite to continue their current course of action?  Moreover, when will Americans begin to recognize "Republicanism” as the counter intuitive conservative political ideology that today’s Republican elite have turned it into?
    Views: 895 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2011-12-23 | Comments (1)

    PictureTo many, Barak Obama is a great president. Denial. Mitt Romney for others, represents a return to a better America.  Denial. Herman Cain is (somehow) the Tea Party favorite.  Denial. Americans, desperate to hide from political truth, use denial to provide themselves with a false sense of security in hopes a better future will magically blossom from blind hope - and the efforts of the more aware and more assertive American.  The truth is as obvious as it is a lonely reality.
    Views: 786 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2011-12-01 | Comments (0)

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