A certain loneliness accompanies the Black Conservative. To the Black
community, the Black Conservative is anything except a Black
Conservative in the true form. The Black Conservative is not a
free-enterprise embracing Libertarian, is assumed to be a Black
Republican, but is not a Black Conservative. This is due to the Left
leaning Black community’s embracement of the passive role of
victimization under the unconditional support of the Democrat. Despite
the hundreds of well-documented years of the Democrat’s fight against
equal rights, the Black community has been lulled into passivity by the
Democrat insistence the Black is a victim and only a victim. "...that
black American leaders were practicing a politics that drew the group
into a victim-focused racial identity that, in turn, stifled black
advancement more than racism itself did." Shelby Steele - 1999
The illusion in the Black community is power lies in the guise of
victimization while Whites lie powerless under the illusion of
redemption. The illusion removed reveals the Black is powerless in that
Whites have no redemption. To break ranks with the role of the Black
victim is to dissent for the Black community itself; a measure and
expression of individuality the Black community meets with very overt
animus aggression. To not envision one’s self as victim is to resist
the political influences of the Democrat Party. This resistance is a
demonstration of self-reliance; a forbidden Democrat attribute for
Blacks to espouse.
The difficulties Blacks have in overcoming
the inequities between Blacks and Whites is the prescribed victimology
assigned to Blacks by the Democrat. As victim, the Black will never be
equal; the Black will be eternally relegated to the powerless
beneficiary of state dependency where economic liberty has been and
remains lost. The vein of "Black Power” lies the depths of
victimization. A power that was to deliver a people from the larger
society, imperiled its fate to a subordinate subculture powerless to the
control of a single party political system it aligned itself with that
sought only to oppress it into economic silence. Of course, the Black,
as a whole refuses to see this because asserting one’s self against it
is to forsake the Black community as an entity.
To be Black, is to be Democrat. There is no discussion to follow.
The Black community supported Mayor Marion Barry and Bill Clinton
while freely and publicly loathing Shelby Steele, Stanley Crouch,
Clarence Thomas, and Ward Connerly. O. J. Simpson was innocent and
Barak Obama was the only presidential option. Race alliance is subject
to the conditions of Democrat Party affiliation only. It is wrong in
the Black community to believe the individual Black is more than a
victim. It is to be condemned by the Black community to believe Blacks
to have ability to progress forward in life without the aid of the White
Democrat crutch; that equality can only be attained through truly
overcoming the obstacles in one’s life.
Black Republicans
like Colin Powell have failed the Black community by claiming
conservative values and ruthlessly fighting for hijacked Liberal
initiatives like affirmative action that now actually hinder Black
competence and equality while expressly demonstrating the same
discriminatory actions of oppression that has led to ideology of the
defining role of Black victim. (Let us not forget the "Philadelphia
Plan!”) Thus, the true Black Conservative is the antithesis! He is the
exclusion of sharpness the conventional quasi-embraced Black Republican
lacks. My
oldest brother came home on leave from the Air Force. I was quite
young at the time, but would always tune into conversations that
centered on politics. He casually stated how he was no longer A
Democrat, but had moved on to become an Independent. His
dissatisfaction for the oppressive nature of the Democrat Party was more
than obvious in his strong reasoning. The looks of disdain flowed
evenly through the room; my mom, my older sister and my second oldest
brother – my father smiled his coy smile and disengaged. Heard was the
fact he was no longer Democrat, deliberately overlooked was his strong
rationalization as to why. You HAD to be Democrat if you were Black in
the inner city; all else was a betrayal against the Black community.
"How dare he move beyond this loyalty;" is what their looks suggested. The despised minority
generations Black Americans have been the despised minority of
indifference and overt hatred, separated from the mainstream populous
by a monolithic self majority insistent upon voting for Black oppression
in support of Democrat lies and obsolete thoughts of a failed
In part, the Black community has grown to
identify itself by whom it annihilates. Those whom move forward in
modern contemporary political thought are rebuked by their own. Their
own believe themselves to be the victim to whom are owed in order to
attain equality - a sense of equality that cannot be attained through
independent achievement and through self-competence. As a victim,
equality is unattainable. Concepts that defy what the Black community
has actually accomplished in every imaginable field and professional
order. While the individual can excel through their own merits, he must
insist that he is a mere exception and for those who follow him must be
the product of dichotomy. It
is amazing what you stumble across researching online. A person’s
digital signature is amazing. Inadvertently, I stumbled across the
traces of an ex. (JDG, or any coupled combination thereof we will refer
to her). She has not changed. Music tastes are the same; our only
true compatibility. Her Navy career was solid. As JG was promoting she
would grow frustrated feeling she was passed over for promotion because
she was a Black female. "Look at how fast you are promoting.” She
would say.
"Look at what I do. I promote because I have taken the hardest of the
hard assignments and excelled. When you take on harder assignments,
you will promote.” Guess what? She took on assignments with increasing
difficulty and excelled in doing so; she also promoted. Apparently,
she has gone on to retire and now works for a government agency
conducting background investigations. All said and done, she seems to
be doing quite well, merits attained through her individual effort of
self. However, she still believes that without White Democrat support,
the Black individual is robbed of the opportunity to advance their
position in life. A clear dichotomy. She can be a competent individual
as a Black community member, but judging by words of her support for
Obama and certain programs, the victimized Black community cannot be
competent as whole without aid. Lost is the ideology that a community is
comprised of the individual - as more individuals excel on their own
merits while insisting upon themselves, the more the entire community
advances. Totalism over equality
is said that an "Uncle Tom” is a person whom fails to love their own
people and enables their oppression. Oppression in the Black community
is enabled by those within the confines of the community that support
the one party system of Democrat or nothing. It is the totalism of
victim over the competence of individual that now create the
community. The quandary is how can such dichotomy and pluralism exist
in a community that has contributed so much to humanity while still
refusing to believe fully within themselves. Collectively, they rebuke
the strong individual that possesses more belief in the Black community
than the Black community expresses in self belief.
ideology of the Black conservative is one truth. It is a perception
that all are created equal and to attain equality one must fully embrace
that they, as an individual, are of equal value. When a community
assumes the role of victim, equality can never be attained. Equality
requires a level of self-responsibility and self-accountability that
Democrats seek to absolve in order to passively oppress. It is sad that
the Black community has espoused the role of victim over the role of
the equal and in turn attempt to shun those within the community
attempting to deliver it to its proper place in society.
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