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Main » 2011 » December » 23 » The Obama Conundrum Meets the Republican Norm
11:55 AM
The Obama Conundrum Meets the Republican Norm
Picture OK, I really need all of you on the Right; Conservatives, Republicans, and Conservative Libertarians – and even those on the Left weary of a rouge administration that has forced you to take a closer look at Republican presidential alternatives, to hear me out on a concern that has blossomed into its own school of thought.

A few will remember some of last year’s rhetoric which propelled social networking posts on "generic ballots” that showed how soundly a given Republican would defeat Obama in 2012.  My concern then was that so many on the Right were posting and referencing these polls with a certain cavalier disdain for the overall process.  This of course, was well over a year ago and it fueled an anti-Obama sentiment that rocked the 2010 election goals for the Left.  Clearly, Obama had been deemed a failure by the public and they sought to remove all Obama regime sympathizers from office.  Republicans, then predicted to make a mockery of an Obama re-election bid, were granted the votes to effect change in an administration that turned on the people.  The reality, like Obama, they too have now failed the American people.  The kicker is that they have failed the people for the EXACT SAME REASONS Obama failed!  The result?  Polls now show Obama soundly defeating the GOP "front runner.”

Here is an irony that discloses how bad the Republicans have performed in office since elected in 2010.  Just a few short months ago, higher and more influential leftist elements were calling for Obama’s acquiescence from the 2012 Democrat nomination.  Today, the best Republicans have to offer cannot compete with a President whose only battle is the coveted "Worst president in History” title.

How this happened

Well, you may remember some of my Facebook posts as well.  They basically stated, don’t get excited because these polls may not be so favorable when you replace a "generic Republican” with the face and name of a real and more typical Republican.  Not hard to figure out who was right.

It boils down to this; the 2010 newly elected Right never delivered on the fiscal prudence they were elected to implement.  You have to remember the 112th Congress’ first task was to pass a federal budget with sights set on cutting spending.  Delivered to the people was the EXACT OPPOSITE in the very worst way possible.  The budget never got passed and merely saw a series of extensions that directly resulted in MORE spending than the Democrat run 111th Congress ever dared to attempt.  Immediately, the Boehner led Right, capitulated on matters of spending and fiscal restraint as the Obama regime gained spending momentum.  Adding insult to injury, the Right then, after failing to pass the budget, allowed the Debt Ceiling to be increased while pulling a chapter from a Nazi/Communist Manifesto and allowed the creation of a Super Committee – THAT ALSO FAILED resulting in yet ANOTHER extension of spending increases now besting previous overspending levels that were racking up national debt at a rate of 100 billion dollars a month. (No need to mention the Obama Administration has now gone more than 900 days without finding the competence in which to pass a budget).  They did however, point out "cuts” in the spending in the latest extension; low income families have had their utility subsidies cut some 25 percent in the middle of an already harsh winter.  Yet today, there is still no true and fully implemented budget in place; to find one you must go back in time to the Bush Administration which built the American fiscal coffin preparing for a nation’s interment after a slow, agonizing death at the hands of gross federal over-spending and egregious fiscal irresponsibility.  So, ask yourself this; how has the Republican elected 112th Congress been of positive impact to the American people?  They haven’t!  And therein, the problem lies.

From the 2012 voter vantage point (especially for those on the Left), all that is seen is the Republican alternative to the Progressive led Obama Assault on Americanism is essentially more of the same. 

What’s worse, the American people have only seen Congress unite to increase future spending further economically imperiling America, and to mount a direct assault on constitutional rights in the form of a National Defense Act that specifically assails the American citizen.  As if that is not bad enough for the Right’s chances in 2012; the provisions within the Defense Act that drew so much criticism from Conservatives, Liberals, Republicans and Democrats alike – were written by the RIGHT, not the Left.  Once the detainee provisions of outrage were included into the Act, the Right, led by Sen. Lindsey Graham, the key architect of the detainee provisions, united with the Left to implement the Act against the people.

When all was said and done, two things happened.  First, Congress was bestowed with the worst disapproval in history making the 112th just that; "the worst in history.”  To the onlooker, this means the Republican solution is WORSE than the problem itself.  The second consequence is a bit more obvious; Romney, the GOP forced "front runner,” is already losing badly to the failure that is Obama.  It is hard to believe the Republican Party could possibly be more inept and dysfunctional than it is today.

Obama’s scandal ridden cronyism is now the lesser evil

Have things really gotten that bad?  Is the Republican interpretation of Americanism so distorted, the American people are more willing to surrender the U.S. Constitution to the Obama regime?   Is the lesser evil of submitting to full government control really a more promising voter prospect than allowing the Republican political elite to continue their current course of action?  Moreover, when will Americans begin to recognize "Republicanism” as the counter intuitive conservative political ideology that today’s Republican elite have turned it into?

Perhaps, it safe to say at this point in time, the Republican alternative to Progressive Liberal rule is just as bad – and in all honesty, now arguably worse, considering their highly ineffective and counter constitutional first year.  It is sad to imagine that the best the Republican Party has to offer has directly resulted in a worsening American condition.  But, it has.

Today, many are perplexed on how to approach the 2012 ballot.  Some Democrats are considering registering as Republicans in order to begin voting against Obama as early possible by using the Primaries to show their resolve to sever the head of the Progressive beast.  This is good, but these individuals are now desperately concerned that the damage caused by their previous votes for Obama will pale in comparison to voting for a Republican in 2012.  Ask yourself this, given the Republican impact in 2012; can you really blame their pessimism?  Personally, I cannot.

To me, their concerns are not only understandable, they are shared.  The GOP is now so far removed from both Conservative values and their constituents, the people, on all sides of the isle, can no longer relate to or trust them.  They [Republican political elite] represent a political interpretation that is best defined by the special interests they are currently in pursuit of – the people are thus inconsequential figures used only exclusively to move them in a position of power over their constituents.  This is what Obama has done and what the GOP is fostering in the likes of Romney, Perry and Gingrich.  While all are considerably different, all represent a willingness to move against the people as they pander to a problematic GOP that is increasingly supporting anti-constitutional concepts and constraints against American’s freedoms.

The reality

Republicans supporting Perry, Romney and Newt have just stopped reading this editorial because their echo chamber of "Republicans are just better and always right” is not being supported.  They have moved back to their "elect Newt” and "elect Perry” pages to convince themselves that the lies found there, trump the truth they have just read here.  They too are the problem.  When it is all said and done; their calls for a more constitutional America driven by fiscal prudence and individual freedom is mere lip service – deep within, they know these candidates will not deliver on these values.  What they see is only a given Republican replacing Obama.  To them, this will magically make America better even though the GOP’s best have proven, at a minimum, to be as bad as the Obama Administration.  They are calling for change in Congress and in America while fully supporting the system causing the problem by vesting in the likes of the now clearly faulted GOP political norm. 

The time has come to stop viewing the Right, in its current condition, as an end-all-be-all answer to the Obama conundrum.  Just because it is Republican, no longer makes it the best solution to a very complex and algorithmic problem.  Republican elite of today simply fail to make the cut.  Americans have settled for far too long – they are the result.

Unsubscribe from the American political norm

Thus, the school of thought is self-identifying in its simplicity.  Insist for both more and better when determining your allegiance to the worst our nation now has to offer.  The two party system has come full circle; it has divided a nation’s people to only unite in a bi-partisan elected class agenda against both its citizenry and the Constitution protecting the people from a freedom revoking government.  It is now no longer a matter of Right versus Left, but a sense of Americanism versus the federal government.  We must stop subscribing to the norm and force upon government the very conditions of the Document they have fought so hard to destroy.  While presidential selection drives the 2012 vote, no President can fully effect a sense of constitutionalism without a Congress willing to support it.

Here we have a U.S. Senate that brazenly attacked and defeated the Constitution with only FOUR Senators voting against it.  This should put into perspective the depth of America’s Congressional intent to harm that which is America.  All must go before any benefit for Americans can be found.

Voters want a statesman to deliver them from their past histories of irrational, nonsensical and apathetic voting habits.  Unfortunately, statesmen can only lead and effect change for patriots. In America today, there are simply far too few patriots willing to rebuke both the Progressive agenda to deliver America to a European-like state of social and economic failure and the Republican norm which is now markedly similar to the Leftist agenda killing American sovereignty.  Are you willing to subscribe to the school of thought of a patriot over the desire for a perception of an easier life under the thumb of an ever encroaching government now united against America herself? 

We need patriots, real patriots; not apathetic voters subscribing to the American political establishment that has formally deemed the U.S. Constitution as an Enemy of the State.

The 112th Congress is now officially classified as the worst Congress in measured history.  In my opinion, we cannot charge the 112th as the "worst ever” without fully acknowledging the same of the American voter who have delivered the 112th to existence.
Views: 896 | Added by: PJ | Tags: Republican, Conservative values, 112th Congress, Conservatism, Democrat, Liberalism | Rating: 0.0/0

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    Many still seem to believe America’s best days are ahead of her while they support their traditional political views enabled by same system of American political dysfunction that has led to America’s current decline.  In short, without a major shift in the American voting paradigm, any hopes of a better American future are but a pipe dream facilitated by the insanity of wishing things to improve while making no adjustments to actually effort a more promising American outcome.
    Views: 1162 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-03-09 | Comments (4)

    It is not that supporters are unaware of Santorum’s or other candidate’s fiscal histories; it is that so many are actually indifferent to fiscal history while staking claim to the call for a fiscally responsible president.  So do we really give a crap about fiscal prudence or not?  Are we serious when we state we want a Congress that will not infringe upon the Constitution they have sworn to protect?  When it comes to practicing what we preach on the Right, the honest truth is; we fail miserably.
    Views: 1130 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-03-01 | Comments (0)

    As of late, the Right insists on challenging the norm of America’s political elite.  While this is admirable, the two party system of "us against them” serves to only limit the spectrum of debate perspectives of a given topic; Critical Perspectives was developed to draw attention to shortcomings in the often limited and often Republican controlled perspectives of the Conservative Right.
    Views: 825 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-02-09 | Comments (0)

    Fewer than half of Americans pay taxes, forcing more than half to now pay taxes while disposing of the income tax return economically imperials more than 50% of a nation which has a suffering economy; 70% of which is driven by consumer spending.  Maybe it’s just me, but I see this as unwise.
    Views: 915 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-02-06 | Comments (0)

    PictureThe illusion in the Black community is power lies in the guise of victimization while Whites lie powerless under the illusion of redemption.  The illusion removed reveals the Black is powerless in that Whites have no redemption.  To break ranks with the role of the Black victim is to dissent for the Black community itself; a measure and expression of individuality the Black community meets with very overt animus aggression.  To not envision one’s self as victim is to resist the political influences of the Democrat Party.  This resistance is a demonstration of self-reliance; a forbidden Democrat attribute for Blacks to espouse. 
    Views: 909 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-31 | Comments (1)

    ThePicture problem lies in the symbolic interactionism of the liberal subculture that has lost the ability to "self script” outside of the conditions set by the dominate liberal whole.  This inability to script different perceptions of self develops into the loss of self-identity outside the confines set by the higher liberal social order.  This is exactly why, as atrocious a President Obama is; he will always have these unconditional supporters whom lack a sense of  self that is beyond that of which Obama as prescribed to them.  One lower level political figure in Atlanta stated, "Obama knows what’s best.”  Such a statement epitomizes the loss of self and the failure in the ability to identify self  individuality in the lower liberal subculture.  If the dominate liberal whole makes a claim, the subculture will in turn unconditionally submit to it.  Envision if you will, an abused other whom seeks to rationalize their abuse in terms of their own inadequacies.  Hence is the new liberal subculture.  The inept view of self has allowed its exploitation to a social order that is granted the perception of power for being more competent and more responsible than that of the individual self.  
    Views: 4925 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-30 | Comments (100)

    Picture"More or less, Conservatism, mothered by the Republican Party and Fathered by the Democrat Party, currently suffers an Oedipus complex in that Conservatives wish to destroy Democrats while they harbor a perverse attraction to the Republican political elite."
    Views: 849 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-13 | Comments (0)

    PictureHere is a way of looking at one aspect, perhaps the largest aspect, of the Obama Administration.  If your household is consumed by debt, you do not seek to correct the problem by assuming even more debt.  Yet, America is being told things are getting better in areas where it is completely impossible for them to improve given the Obama Administration’s refusal to assume a role of fiscal responsibility that would be of benefit to the people.  
    Views: 1157 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-02 | Comments (0)

    Have Picturethings really gotten that bad?  Is the Republican interpretation of Americanism so distorted, the American people are more willing to surrender the U.S. Constitution to the Obama regime?   Is the lesser evil of submitting to full government control really a more promising voter prospect than allowing the Republican political elite to continue their current course of action?  Moreover, when will Americans begin to recognize "Republicanism” as the counter intuitive conservative political ideology that today’s Republican elite have turned it into?
    Views: 895 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2011-12-23 | Comments (1)

    PictureTo many, Barak Obama is a great president. Denial. Mitt Romney for others, represents a return to a better America.  Denial. Herman Cain is (somehow) the Tea Party favorite.  Denial. Americans, desperate to hide from political truth, use denial to provide themselves with a false sense of security in hopes a better future will magically blossom from blind hope - and the efforts of the more aware and more assertive American.  The truth is as obvious as it is a lonely reality.
    Views: 786 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2011-12-01 | Comments (0)

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