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Shifting Magnetic North Awakens New Realities

One thing we are being taught today is that man’s impact on the Earth is detrimental. It is the fault of man that the climate changes, winter storms worsen, summer seasons become warmer, and hurricanes become stronger. Anything perceived as being "bad” that stems from the Earth is classified as a perverse, anthropomorphic reaction of the Earth to a parasitic human kind that has sought only to destroy its host.

We blame naturally occurring phenomena on ourselves so often that things that can be explained through commonly known scientific evidence become confusing and are dismissed. The reality is that man’s impact is inconsequential in Earth’s bigger, evolutionary picture. We cannot control it and therefore we dismiss it, deny it, and refuse to accept it because it is in fact, bigger than man himself.

In recent weeks and months, we have been baffled by flocks of birds that seemingly dropped dead in mid flight. Explanation after explanation was provided in order to rationalize these events into terms that created a perception that "normal” events were at play; that man was still in control of his host. However, another and more sensible theory exists - a theory that suggests man is a mere evolutionary adaption of a much bigger ever-evolving planet serving only as a temporary harborer of life as we currently know it.

Noctilucent clouds of poison

The shifting of magnetic north towards Russia has been highly publicised. Though it has temporarily closed airports, many do not fully understand why. The runway markings that almost all are familiar with indicate magnetic compass headings. A runway marked 18R/36L as in the case in Florida, simply means that the runway aligns 180 degrees from north, or due south and 360 degrees from south, or due north. This runway has been re-designated as 19R/1L to indicate the degree shift in magnetic north, which is moving at a rate of 40 miles per year.(1)

While runway markings are routinely changed every few years to adjust to a constantly moving magnetic north pole, the shifting pole is no longer moving in the circular motion of Earth’s precession. This rapid shifting in magnetic north can be put in perspective by looking back a mere 420 years.(2),(3) The magnetic pole has always been in motion, but in the last 10 years, there has been a 500% increase in the magnetic pole’s movement in comparison to the previous four and a half centuries.(2)

This acceleration in the pole’s shift is part of a natural cycle of a larger process known as geomagnetic reversal where the magnetic pole of north shifts to the magnetic pole of south and vice versa.(4) Geomagnetic reversal is an unpredictable process that is chaotic in nature. This "chaos” causes turbulence in Earth’s magnetic field, or magnetosphere. The magnetic field around the Earth protects the planet from solar wind and thus forms an electromagnetic shield from harmful gases that surround the planet. As the turbulence disrupts the magnetic field around the planet, harmful gaseous clouds escape into Earth’s atmosphere.(4),(5)

It is theorized that these "space clouds” sink deep enough into Earth’s atmosphere to encounter birds in flight. Such noctilucent clouds have high radar reflectivity. On New Year’s Eve, birds again fell from the sky in the same location and at about the same time weather radar picked up the non-precipitation target.(6) The gaseous make up of these noctilucent clouds is hydrogen cyanide, a chemical asphyxiant.(7) It is thus theorized that the birds flew into the cloud, suffocated, and fell 1,300 feet to the ground which caused the "blunt trauma” that has been ruled the cause of death. It is interesting to note that no suggestions are made other than the ambiguous blunt trauma from the birds hitting the ground.(4)

New revelation of human insignificance

Such clouds are consistent with magnetic turbulence and have led to a growing concern of human vulnerability. If a cloud were to descend to ground level in a populated area, humans would be helpless and succumb to its suffocating effects within minutes. Theories such as this are often dispelled not on the science that backs them, but on the emotive response that follows the reality of the human insignificance it reveals.(8)

We have been taught to believe that nothing exists beyond the control of man, as it is man who insists his influence controls the world. We are taught global warming is manmade, despite the cyclic warming and cooling climate patterns that date millions of years beyond that of the existence of man, while further refuting the current warming pattern is responsible for our own evolution.(9) We insist upon ourselves so strongly that we now have trouble accepting that which is beyond our control. As geomagnetic reversal becomes more of a concern, increasing efforts are made to expand upon other factors to explain the otherwise inexplicable.

In many ways, it is not a matter of birds falling from the sky, or a shifting magnetic pole. It is a matter of people being willing to accept their own insignificance and even temporary existence on a planet that has been kind enough to play host to human life as it evolves before, with and beyond us. The signs of a changing planet are most evident. Perhaps the time approaches that human mortality may be viewed in more practical terms.


  1. Kaye, Ken. Pilots, boaters adjust to shift in magnetic north. Sun Sentinel. [Online] 02 20, 2011. [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  2. Ken (Modern Survival Blog). Alarming NOAA data, Rapid Pole Shift. Modern Survival Blog. [Online] 01 15, 2011. [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  3. National Geophysical Data Center. Wandering of the Geomagnetic poles. National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration. [Online] [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  4. Adams, Mike. Earth's magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths. Natural News. [Online] 01 13, 2011. [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  5. EU Times. Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths. European Union Times. [Online] 01 08, 2011. [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  6. Terrabonne, Amanda. Weather radar shows something unusual around time birds fell. Today's THV. [Online] 01 08, 2011. [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  7. Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and. Emergency Response Safety and Health Database / Hydrongen Cyanide. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Online] 08 22, 2008. [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]
  8. May, Rollo. Psychology and the Human Dilemma. New York City : Norton, 1996. 0-393-31455-3.
  9. Rogers, Mitchell. Evolutionary History of the Earth. Paleoclimate - The History of Climate Change / Geological Periods. [Online] [Cited: 02 21, 2011.]

Category: My articles | Added by: PJ (2011-02-21) | Author: Paul Johnson E W
Views: 758 | Comments: 1 | Tags: Climate farce, Man-made Climate Change, Climate Change, Magnetic North | Rating: 0.0/0
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    Many still seem to believe America’s best days are ahead of her while they support their traditional political views enabled by same system of American political dysfunction that has led to America’s current decline.  In short, without a major shift in the American voting paradigm, any hopes of a better American future are but a pipe dream facilitated by the insanity of wishing things to improve while making no adjustments to actually effort a more promising American outcome.
    Views: 1165 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-03-09 | Comments (4)

    It is not that supporters are unaware of Santorum’s or other candidate’s fiscal histories; it is that so many are actually indifferent to fiscal history while staking claim to the call for a fiscally responsible president.  So do we really give a crap about fiscal prudence or not?  Are we serious when we state we want a Congress that will not infringe upon the Constitution they have sworn to protect?  When it comes to practicing what we preach on the Right, the honest truth is; we fail miserably.
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    As of late, the Right insists on challenging the norm of America’s political elite.  While this is admirable, the two party system of "us against them” serves to only limit the spectrum of debate perspectives of a given topic; Critical Perspectives was developed to draw attention to shortcomings in the often limited and often Republican controlled perspectives of the Conservative Right.
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    Fewer than half of Americans pay taxes, forcing more than half to now pay taxes while disposing of the income tax return economically imperials more than 50% of a nation which has a suffering economy; 70% of which is driven by consumer spending.  Maybe it’s just me, but I see this as unwise.
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    PictureThe illusion in the Black community is power lies in the guise of victimization while Whites lie powerless under the illusion of redemption.  The illusion removed reveals the Black is powerless in that Whites have no redemption.  To break ranks with the role of the Black victim is to dissent for the Black community itself; a measure and expression of individuality the Black community meets with very overt animus aggression.  To not envision one’s self as victim is to resist the political influences of the Democrat Party.  This resistance is a demonstration of self-reliance; a forbidden Democrat attribute for Blacks to espouse. 
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    ThePicture problem lies in the symbolic interactionism of the liberal subculture that has lost the ability to "self script” outside of the conditions set by the dominate liberal whole.  This inability to script different perceptions of self develops into the loss of self-identity outside the confines set by the higher liberal social order.  This is exactly why, as atrocious a President Obama is; he will always have these unconditional supporters whom lack a sense of  self that is beyond that of which Obama as prescribed to them.  One lower level political figure in Atlanta stated, "Obama knows what’s best.”  Such a statement epitomizes the loss of self and the failure in the ability to identify self  individuality in the lower liberal subculture.  If the dominate liberal whole makes a claim, the subculture will in turn unconditionally submit to it.  Envision if you will, an abused other whom seeks to rationalize their abuse in terms of their own inadequacies.  Hence is the new liberal subculture.  The inept view of self has allowed its exploitation to a social order that is granted the perception of power for being more competent and more responsible than that of the individual self.  
    Views: 4928 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-30 | Comments (100)

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    Views: 852 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-13 | Comments (0)

    PictureHere is a way of looking at one aspect, perhaps the largest aspect, of the Obama Administration.  If your household is consumed by debt, you do not seek to correct the problem by assuming even more debt.  Yet, America is being told things are getting better in areas where it is completely impossible for them to improve given the Obama Administration’s refusal to assume a role of fiscal responsibility that would be of benefit to the people.  
    Views: 1159 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2012-01-02 | Comments (0)

    Have Picturethings really gotten that bad?  Is the Republican interpretation of Americanism so distorted, the American people are more willing to surrender the U.S. Constitution to the Obama regime?   Is the lesser evil of submitting to full government control really a more promising voter prospect than allowing the Republican political elite to continue their current course of action?  Moreover, when will Americans begin to recognize "Republicanism” as the counter intuitive conservative political ideology that today’s Republican elite have turned it into?
    Views: 897 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2011-12-23 | Comments (1)

    PictureTo many, Barak Obama is a great president. Denial. Mitt Romney for others, represents a return to a better America.  Denial. Herman Cain is (somehow) the Tea Party favorite.  Denial. Americans, desperate to hide from political truth, use denial to provide themselves with a false sense of security in hopes a better future will magically blossom from blind hope - and the efforts of the more aware and more assertive American.  The truth is as obvious as it is a lonely reality.
    Views: 787 | Added by: PJ | Date: 2011-12-01 | Comments (0)

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